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Eldon Y. Li

Job Title:  Chair Professor

Education: Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Specialties: MIS, e-business, technology management, service science, decision systems

Email: miseli@ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management618 Extension: 34624


Shin-Yuan Hung

Job Title:  Distinguished Professor and Dean for Academic Affairs

Education: Ph.D., National Sun Yat-sen University, ROC

Specialties: EIS, Group Decision Support System, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management

Email: syhung@mis.ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management601  Extension: 34601


Shi-Ming Huang

Job Title:  Professor and Head of R&D

Education: Ph.D., Sunderland University, UK

Specialties: Information Engineering, Database Management System, Commerce Automation, e-Commerce, Business Resource Planning

Email: smhuang@mis.ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management510  Extension: 16810


Wei-Yen Hsu

Job Title:  Professor

Education: Ph.D, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Specialties:       Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Neural Network(Machine Learning), Signal Processing, Big Data Analysis,Data Mining

Email: shenswy@gmail.com

Office: School of management612  Extension: 34621


Mei-Ling Luo (Margaret)

Job Title:  Associate Professor Education: Ph. D. University of Hawaii

Specialties: Technology Adoption, Hedonic IS Use, Social Media/Networking, E-Commerce, E-Marketing, Human-Computer Interaction, Online Information Seeking Behavior Collaborations

Email: luo@mis.ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management603  Extension: 34603


Wei-Min Huang

Job Title:  Associate Professor Education: Ph.D., Tulane University

Specialties: Healthcare Executives, Telemedicine,Virtual Hospital, Healthcare Information Management

Email: wmhuang@mis.ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management623  Extension: 34623


Sheng-Wei Lin

Job Title:  Associate Professor

Education: Ph.D., National Chengchi University, ROC Specialties: Digital commerce, search engine marketing, website traffic analysis, sharing economy, social network

Email: swlin@mis.ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management613  Extension: 34613


Yu-Hsiu Lin

Job Title:  Assistant Professor Education:  Ph.D, University of South Carolina

Specialties: Older Population’s Health-Related Quality of Life, Spatial Analysis in Health Services Research and Long-Term Care, Older Population’s Health in Rural Areas, Long-Term Care Supply and Demand, Healthcare Big Data Analysis

Email: yuhsiu@ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management614  Extension: 34614


Jing-Guo Hsu


Job Title:  Assistant Professor Education:  Ph.D., National Chiao Tung University , ROC

Specialties: 5G Wireless Communications, 5G Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence Applications

Email: chingkuo@ccu.edu.tw

Office: School of management617  Extension: 34617


Vipin Saini
Title: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD in Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
Research areas: Social media, e-commerce, data analytics, text analytics
Email: vipinsaini@ccu.edu.tw
Office: College of Management 620, Extension: 34622

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